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Resources For Parents

Here at Teach Me Please, we also provide the opportunity for parents to familiarise themselves with skills that primary teachers use in the classroom. These skills will guide you in schooling your children more confidently.

Sessions with a tutor aim to show parents how lessons are structured and taught. We can provide you with the knowledge and skills to help you assist your children at home.

The National Curriculum
In 2014, the National curriculum was changed. All teachers, guardians and children were introduced to a more streamlined approach to teaching.

Core subjects are subjects that must be taught and include English, Maths and Science.

In English, there is a huge emphasis on SPaG

(Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar).


In Maths, the focus is on times tables. Therefore, children will be expected to learn all their 12 times tables by Year 4.


In Science, the teaching of facts, vocabulary and

in-depth investigations ensures children develop their scientific knowledge.


A warm welcome to parents/guardians wanting to find out more about coaching.


Please get in touch, we are here to help!


“Sometimes life lessons can be lost.”

"We should find comfort in remembering that teaching our children to cook, become creative within art or active in sport, all develop skills in resourcefulness, comprehension, strength and happiness."

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